Accounting Services
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We access client's accounts by either working at their premises, or; having their accounting files on our own computers or by working remotely. Chargeout rates vary depending on the technical level of the tasks, amount and regularity of work. Because Kerry is a qualified, experienced accountant, complex accounting assignments can be taken on.
Periodic ledger reviews and/or Pre-checks prior to filing accounts with your accountant

The objective of this service is to check your accounting entries to ensure consistent coding, accounts are reconciled, GST and PAYE have been correctly accounted for. Typically this type of assignment would take a minimum of 2 hours for a tidy ledger. Often, however issues are uncovered that can take more time to correct but alert management to serious issues.
Payroll Processing

We have a lot of experience managing large and small payrolls. We are proficient with most New Zealand payroll software. We keep up-to-date with payroll legislation including the Holidays Act.
GST Returns

We regulary prepare GST returns. Most importantly, we reconcile your GST payments to the ledger to ensure that there haven't been any changes to prior returns.
Monthly Accounting:

We prepare monthly reports for organisations for reporting to their management. This includes the standard Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet and Cashflow as well as detailed analysis and commentaries to explain the figures.
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Learn MYOB Accounting at home in one six hour course. Includes one hour of phone consultation with Kerry. $220 incl. GST.